Join us for a convention weekend experience you won’t forget! At Hollywood Dance Jamz our mission is to provide dancers with an uplifting convention weekend with some of the hottest choreographers, teachers and professional dancers Hollywood has to offer! Our faculty is dedicated to your success and to motivate you to be the best dancer you can be. Class sizes are limited so dancers get a more up close and personal experience.
Each weekend features exciting classes in all types of dance including Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Jazz Funk, and Ballet.
We also provide numerous scholarship opportunities including scholarships to Millennium Dance Complex in LA, plus multiple convention and National Finals Scholarships.
DIVISION | PRE- REGISTRATION FEE (30 days prior to convention) | AFTER DEADLINE/DAY OF |
Minis (5-7 Yrs Old) | $185 (1 Day- Saturday) | $205 |
Juniors (8-10 Yrs) | $315 | $335 |
Pre-Teen (11-12) | $315 | $335 |
Teen (13-14 Yrs) | $315 | $335 |
Senior (15-18 Yrs) | $315 | $335 |
Teacher (19+) | $325 | $345 |
Observers | TBD | TBD |
*Ages are determined as of Jan. 1, 2025

*FREQUENT STUDENT DISCOUNT: Dancers who attend one Regional city at full Convention Rate, may attend a 2nd city within the Hollywood Dance Jamz 2024-2025 REGIONAL season at 50% off Convention Fee. Discount does not apply to National Finals.
*MINI OBSERVERS: Registered teachers will receive 1 Complimentary “Mini Observer Pass” per studio. Registered to the Mini Ballroom Only. This will be given in your registration packets so no need to Pre-Register. Due to space requirements, the amount of Observers in the Mini Room may be limited.
*OBSERVERS: Based on Event Registration, observer bands may be offered in some of our regional cities. The fee is for entrance into the ballroom. It does not guarantee you a seat. No Dream Duffle Bags, Costuming, Excessive Bags, and Blankets on the Floor will be allowed into the ballroom. The goal is to maximize the space for the dancers to learn. Auditions are Closed to Observers!
- You may register for Hollywood Dance Jamz through our online registration system. FAX OR PHONE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- In order to receive the Early Bird Rate, all registrations must be submitted and paid in full at least 30 days prior to the first day of the event. Fees that are paid after 30 days prior will be subject to the late registration fee being applied. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
- Checks should be made payable to Hollywood Dance Jamz. Please send ONE check for all fees (convention fees & competition fees can be included in one check).
- No refunds on Registration fees. NO EXCEPTIONS. *this includes Students, Teachers, and Observers
- All returned checks will be subject to a $35 fee.
- At the door, registration must be paid cash, credit card, cashier’s check, or money order. Hollywood Dance Jamz does not accept personal OR studio checks day of.
- Hollywood Dance Jamz reserves the right to close a level once maximum capacity has been reached.
- In order to enter the Competition, Dancers must be registered for the Entire Convention.
- All dancers registered for the convention must have completed and signed a Hollywood Dance Jamz waiver in order to participate.
- Bring 6-19 dancers: 1 teacher attends free
- Bring 20+ dancers: 2 teachers attend free
- Bring 30+ dancers: 3 teachers attend free PLUS two night stay at the host hotel
- Bring 40+ dancers: 4 teachers attend free PLUS two night stay at the host hotel
- Bring 50+ dancers: 5 teachers attend free PLUS two night stay at the host hotel
- Bring 100+ dancers: 8 teachers attend free PLUS four night stay at the host hotel
Total number of students cannot include scholarship recipients or observers.
If you qualify for the complimentary hotel room night/s, please make your OWN hotel reservations at the Host Hotel under the Hollywood Dance Jamz Room Block and Discounted Room Rate. Bring your receipt to us on the last day of the convention before lunch and we will reimburse with a check!
- For this season, Observer bands will be offered based on Event Registration and ballroom space. If Observer Bands are being offered, they will be sold at our event registration. Hollywood Dance Jamz reserves the right to limit observers based on attendance and space limitations.
- Teachers will be given the opportunity to receive 1-2 Free Parent Chaperone bands in our Junior & Pre-Teen levels. The amount of Parent Chaperone bands is based on the Studio’s Registration amount. Teachers & Studio Owners should assign their own chaperones for each convention ballroom.
- Minis will receive 1 Free Observer pass for Mini Room Only. This will be given to Teachers at Registration. Additional observer bands will not be sold. Free Observer pass can be transferable between parties. If space is limited in ballroom, we do reserve the right to reduce the number of Mini observers.
- Teachers, Studio Owners & dancers must wear their respective bands and are not allowed to wear observer bands at any time.
- General Observers/Chaperones do not have access to the Teacher room, Closed Rehearsals, or AUDITIONS at any time.
- Wristbands must be visible to the Hollywood Dance Jamz staff at all times in all rooms during convention classes.
- Please keep all talking and noise to a minimum while classes are in session.
- If wristbands are lost, a new one must be purchased at full price.
- Friday – Competition Start Time Will Vary City to City
- Saturday
Classes: 8:00am-2:00pm (Minis/Juniors/Pre-Teen/Teen/Senior)
Competition: ~3:30pm - Sunday
Classes: 8:00am-3:00pm (Juniors/Pre-Teen/Teen/Senior/Teachers)
Scholarship Finale & Presentation: 3:15pm